Further Reading

Measuring Primitive Reflexes in Children with Learning DisordersBilbilaj, Gjipali, Shkurti (2017)

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Retained primitive reflexes in children, clinical implications and targeted home-based interventionsChandradasa, Rathnayake (2019)

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Principle of dissolution and primitive reflexes in ADHDKonicarova, Bob (2013)

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Primitive Reflexes and Postural Reactions in the Neurodevelopmental Examination – Zafeiriou (2004)

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Persistence of primitive reflexes and associated motor problems in healthy preschool children – Gieysztor, Choińska, Małgorzata Paprocka-Borowicz1 (2018)

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Effects of replicating primary-reflex movements on specific reading difficulties in children: A randomised, double-blind, controlled trialMcPhillips, Hepper & Mulhern (2000)

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Retention of primitive reflexes and delayed motor development in very low birth weight infantsMarquis, Ruiz, Lundy, Dillard (1984)

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Persistent primary reflexes affect motor acts: Potential implications for autism spectrum disorderChinello, Di Gangi, Valenza (2018)

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Infantile reflex tests in the early detection of Aspergers (AS) and Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD)Teitelbaum, Benton, Shah, Prince, Kelly, Teitelbaum (2004)

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Reflex Based Interventions for Children with Autism and Developmental DisabilitiesBarrett, Benson, Boucher, Burch, Cash (2016)

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Persisting primitive reflexes in medication-naïve girls with attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorderKonicarova, Bob, Raboch (2013)

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Asymmetric tonic neck reflex and symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in childrenKonicarova, Bob (2013)

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The Grasp Reflex and Moro Reflex in Infants: Hierarchy of Primitive Reflex ResponsesYasuyuki Futagi, Yasuhisa Toribe, and Yasuhiro Suzuki (2012)

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The grasp and other primitive reflexesJ M Schott, M N Rossor (2003)

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Retained Primitive Reflexes and ADHD in ChildrenKonicarova, Bob (2012)

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The Correlation between Primitive Reflexes and Saccadic Eye Movements in 5th Grade Children with Teacher-Reported Reading ProblemsGonzález, Ciuffreda, Hernández, Escalante (2008)

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Effect of Specific Reflex Integration Approach on Primitive Reflexes in Spastic Cerebral Palsy ChildrenWagh, Malawade, Vardharajulu (2019)

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